
- Have been teaching physics and mathematics for more than seven years - Familiar with DSE and GCE syllabus - Provide numerous mock papers - Excellent techniques in presenting abstract physics and ma
M教學進修 / 補習Martin Tong

屯門美樂花園車位出售,PG 228 (超好義頭) ,全包,近入口,四正,易泊,直接業主免佣,請電: 61234509 Mr. Wong 價錢:$730000(售)

As per above mentioned, we Regoms Engineering (M) Sdn Bhd is organising ONE Day Seminar as above title on August 25, 2016 at UNITAR University College, Kelana Jaya, Selangor. (Opposite Paradigm Mall,

LT Studio Semi-permanent makeup Eyebrow Embroidery Semi-Permanent Eyeliner Semi-Permanent Lip Tint Eyelash Extension
L美容 / 美容優惠LT Studio

租客免佣,附豪華裝修,連全屋傢電;毗鄰蝶翠峰,鄰近市中心,靜中帶旺,特別適合優皮族/新婚人士/無嬰孩家庭 大3房套,另設儲物房,客飯廳分明;附設露台,景觀開揚,飽覽元朗全景;備設私人會所 屋苑門口有紅色小巴、專線小巴(73)及港鐵巴士(K66)極頻密往返元朗市中心及朗屏西鐵站,附近「大馬路」亦有多條巴士線(53/54/64K/68M/68X/76K/77K/268C/268X/269D/276/2


培養學生對視覺藝術、繪畫、素描、水彩、油畫的興趣。 透過色彩、線條和意象的表現手法,建立學生的繪畫技巧及基礎。
教學進修 / 兒童興趣班JW Creative ~ Joseph

Christy Kam, 巴黎國際室樂大賽評委Deniz Gelenbe評其為別具音樂感的年青鋼琴家, 演奏非常動人 She Captured the stillness, and created beautiful atmosphere. Very musical, and moving. Deniz Gelenbe, judge of International Chamber
C音樂 / 教學進修Christy Kam

導師介紹 本人於大學時修讀音樂系榮譽文學士Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Music,並擁有逾10年教學及考試、比賽伴奏經驗,並持有3個英國皇家音樂學院鋼琴演奏學位 ( Holder of all 3 ABRSM Piano Performance Diplomas),包括:本人於大學時修讀音樂系榮譽文學士Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Music
音樂 / 教學進修(大坑/銅鑼灣/天后區)全職持FRSM鋼琴兼LMusTCL樂理女師

[出租] 兩房新裝連部份傢電,位於中半山 房間數目: 2間睡房,1廚1厠,客飯廳 傢電: 3部冷氣機,東芝LCD電視,洗水機,電磁爐, 兩房衣櫃 層樓: 高層 景觀: 城市景 起租期: 可即時 合約類別: 年租 包含: 管理費,差餉 交通: 距離西營盤港鐵站只需5分鐘步行距離 詳請: 全新裝修兩房741呎單位適合一家大人及兩夫妻入住。地點非常便捷,樓下有超級市場及不同食肆,鄰近中環,蘇


私人教授Music:,私人教授Art:, 提供各類型的合辦課程: Ms Liu :[email protected]
C音樂 / 教學進修CherryLiu

Whirlpool AGD339 3 burners gas hob 惠而浦AGD339 三頭煤氣灶具 In very good condition Size: 860MM*450MM Dc 1.5v Price: 2,000 Hkd 如有興趣請電/(Whatsapp) ms hung +852 6463 0500 如有疑問,歡迎查詢!
f家居 / 智能家居franfran

**Info of the bike** Brand: Kawasaki (if sth you don t know, you can ask me or do a random pick) Model: z750r Manufactured year: 2012 Content: Mileage 1772 only. In very good condition. Price: 60k. In

Good and convenient location btw Ya Ma Tei and Jordan MTRs, top floor with good and bright view, suitable for a single in flexible short term or long term stay
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